Thursday, November 24, 2011

Parker's first Thanksgiving...well...sort of.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends old and new...and family near and far.  Well, mostly far. :)

It's been a really fun day.  Kelly joined us for Thanksgiving this year, and showed me how to make my mother's stuffing.  Isn't it a crime that a close friend had to show me how to make the stuffing?   Here's a picture of it before cooking, doesn't it look amazing?
Mumsie's amazing stuffing! Brought to you by Kelly Edwards.
So the bird is in the oven, loaded with herbed butter under the skin. Cookies are made, pies were baked all that's left is to make the corn pudding and mashed potatoes.  SWEET.

I almost died laughing when I turned around and Paul was standing here with a "please make us martinis" look on his face!
Pretty please?
The men enjoying their afternoon martinis and snacks.
Right now I am sitting here it inappropriate to have pie as an appetizer??

Kelly bought us a really nice bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue for Thanksgiving.  Paul isn't a scotch person, but he's really enjoying it too.  However, it could be the two martinis he had first...
Busting out the Blue
Rhyme has been drooling since I put the turkey in the oven this morning.  Once I took it out, I had his undivided attention.
Carving away!  The belly did push the roasting pan at one point.  It was pretty funny
Is any of that for me? It is my Birthday, after all.
Quite the spread!!  Charlie was eyeing the dinner.
And of course, after dinner...the animals had to have their plate.  Since today is also Rhymes birthday, Paul made him an extra special plate, with lots of gravy.
Rhyme waiting patiently
The animal chef at work.
And now, it's time for a well-deserved nap.  And then pie.  Maybe two slices of pie.  Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving.  And, in case you were wondering...Parker loves Turkey.  She was dancing around in excitement and is now experiencing her first food coma.

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